10 may - 10 june 2018
Attus presents two projects that are different, yet parallel stories where techniques and tools of visual design are balanced by the evocative and disorienting power of art. Here the viewer’s mind is divided between the known and unknown, the familiar and mysterious.

With the Numerage series, Attus creates collages from numbers he cuts out of newspapers from around. the world. These often intrigue and confuse the viewer, playing with our trust in the objectiveness of numbers. They are all there, in a confined and reassuring space, and yet they seem to escape our control, however to find the ‘nextthing’ is an undertaking.
In this composition many rules of visual perception have been subverted and the viewer will need time to find the linearity that ties it together. Although the form is aesthetically pleasing, the message appears overloaded. The numbers are manipulated and therefore they lie. The reader is disoriented and the truth remains hidden.

In the Neometrie series the numbers have changed shape: they are multiples or sequences. The tiles formed by basic geometry are recomposed into countless permutations and again the eye searches for a unity or synthesis that seems within grasp, but always escapes.
Inspired by African and South American cultures, financial graphs, mosaics and Portuguese azulejos, the artist meets us halfway between universal references and his personal views.

Adriano Attus
Born in Sanremo and based in Milano, for more than twenty years Adriano Attus has worked with the most important Italian publishing companies.
He has illustrated and produced covers for the magazines How To Spend It, Domenica, Moda24, Plus24, Panorama, Il Mondo, Technopolis, La Vita Nòva. He was Art Director for Panorama Economy and is currently the Creative Director of Sole 24 Ore.

Attus has received several awards and has worked for brands such as Eni, Enel, BMW, and Bloomberg.
He also has also conducted research at IMT Istituto Alti Studi in Lucca and taught a Master in Journalism IULM in Milan. He is an image consultant for the Archdiocese of Milan.