5-10 february 2019
HashedTime is a digital data artwork that explores the relationship between “digital data recording” and “human memory”. More than just a snapshot of current discussions and publications, it offers real-time monitoring of the flow of the most popular Twitter hashtags and Instagram images, starting with the launch of the two services – 2006 for Twitter and 2010 for Instagram.
HashedTime, like a perpetual calendar, lets us establish links between words and images in time, starting from the present. Thanks to this vertical reading, users can trace the main themes and topics of the public debate or follow their interests.
This constantly evolving data board reveals a world that is profoundly unstable and increasingly uncertain. In a continuous back and forth between convention and contradiction, doubts and certainties, social and private life seem to be imbued with an infinite variety of emotions.
What exactly are we going to remember about this flow of information? Do these publications really represent us? What is the proportion between important issues and banalites? Is it possible to trace recurrent thoughts? These are some of the issues raised by the work of David Bihanic, here in collaboration with Marc Le Renard.
David Bihanic
Designer and teacher at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Bihanic is also an associate researcher at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. In his work he explores both the processes, aesthetics and epistemological limits of design.
In 2018 he curated the exhibition 1, 2, 3 Data at the EDF Foundation in Paris and later in Rome.

Marc Le Renard
With a degree from ESIEA, the French school of digital sciences, Le Renard is an engineer specialized in virtual reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). In this field, he has led, and collaborated with, national and European research programs and industrial projects.
He is the founder and CEO of FOKS-lab, a studio specialized in the training, design and production of immersive 3D systems.